Hide Files or Folders Securely Using Command Prompt

Have you ever wanted to hide your important files and confidential data from stranger on your computer? Here is the trick how to hide Files or Folders Using Command Prompt. Once the file is hidden with this method, the files or folders cannot be viewed by any search options, so your file will be secure from stranger. 

1. First create the folder in the drive you want to hide. Let e.g. Folder name is  “SecretFolder” in G-drive.

2. Press Win+R to open run, type cmd in the Run text box and press enter to open the command prompt.

Type cd.. and hit enter: to back out one level out of the current directory.
Type cd and hit enter: to change the drive.

3. In the Command prompt type "attrib +s +h G:\ SecretFolder” without any quote and hit enter.

4. Now the folder is hidden and none can access except you.

5. To unhide folder again type reverse the command “attrib -s -h G:\ SecretFolder” without any quote and hit enter.

6. Now you can see your hidden file or folder.
