Chat with Friends through Windows Command Prompt

Usually we use chat programs like Facebook messenger, Google talk, Nimbuzz etc. to hang out with friends online. But you can also chat with your friend using Microsoft command Prompt. All you need to do is, just follow these few simple steps.

1. All you need is your friend's IP Address.
2. Open the Notepad.
3. Copy the following code to the Notepad.

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

4. Go to file and save as file with Messenger.bat extension and Save as type box to All Files and then click save.

5. Now Open Command Prompt.

6. Drag this (.bat) file over to Command Prompt and press Enter.

7. Now, type the IP Address of your friend’s computer you want to contact and press enter.

8. Now type your message and press Enter.

Note: This trick works in the LAN connection only and may not support some latest operating systems like windows 7 and windows vista.
