How to Enable Folder Merge Conflict Message in Windows 8

When trying to copy or move a folder in previous Windows versions, if the destination folder already contains a folder with the same name, you will be prompted with a message telling you that the destination folder already contains the same folder name. It also ask you whether you would like to merge the folder or not.

 By default this folder merge conflict message is hidden or disabled in Windows 8. If you want to enable this feature then follow these steps below.

1. Open Windows Explorer, then click the View tab.

2. On the ribbon navigate to View tab and click on the Options icon; as shown in the image below.

3. This will bring up the Folder Options window. Switch to the View tab and under Advanced settings, uncheck the Hide folder merge conflicts box.

4. Click Apply, then OK.

5. That's it. Now whenever the destination folder contains a folder with the same name, you'll be asked for folder replacement confirmation as shown in below screenshot.

Thats it !!!


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