Easiest Way to Change the Size and Resolution of an Image Using Adobe Photoshop

Most of us want to reduce size of images stored in our computers either to save space or while applying for some job. If the photo is above the specified limit it may not accepted, when trying to upload a picture for a job. Sometimes it also ask you to upload an image with a specific resolution. Adobe Photoshop is the best tool for reducing the size and resolution of an image.

In this post I will show you the easiest way to change the size of an image (within some kb) and how to adjust resolution of an image.

1. Open the image using Adobe Photoshop.

2. Click Image at the top of the window and then click Image Size.

3. The Image Size dialog box will be displayed. Confirm that the box to the left of Constrain Proportions as checked at the bottom of the window, so that Photoshop can calculate the Height for you when you enter the Width.

You can also adjust the resolution of your image on this window, as well. When you have finished, click OK button.

4. Now click File at the top of the window and then click Save As.

5. Type a name for your file into the File name field and choose the JPEG option from drop-down menu at the right of Format. Click Save when you are done.

6. Atlast, move the slider at the center of the window to choose a different quality for the image. As you move the slider, you will notice that the file size number at the bottom of the window will adjust accordingly.

7. Click the OK button when you have selected the preferred image quality.
