How To Get Unlimited Likes For Your Facebook Page 2015


You created a new Facebook Fan page but don’t have any likes on it. Generally we prefer to invite friends to like Facebook fan page, it takes a lot time but you don’t get much like. Now the question is how to get thousands of like for free of cost. Don’t worry, there are lot of way to generate facebook likes. In this article, I will teach you how to get unlimited likes for your fan page completely free.
Unlimited free Facebook Likes with AddmeFast
AddMeFast is a network that will help you grow your social presence. AddMeFast helps you to increase Facebook Likes, Facebook Share, Facebook Followers, Facebook Post Likes, Facebook Post Share, Google Circles, YouTube Subscribe, YouTube Video Likes etc. for free.  
1. Click here and Register.
2. After Registration confirm email address- they send you a confirmation email to your registered email address. After confirmation, you can log into the Website. You can see the home page like below.
3. Now click on Add Site/Pages on the Left side of the Home page to add your Facebook Page to get likes.
5:  Fill the Required fields.
·        Select type of your Page or Link. Your Must Select Facebook Likes
·        Here you can restrict your likes for receiving like only from selected countries, but it’s better to choose WORLDWIDE.
·        Type title of your Page.
·        Enter your Facebook page URL.
·        You can set Limit for Total likes (better not to set limits.)
·        Here you may set limits for daily likes.
·        Select CPC or Cost per Click, set it 7 or 8.
·        Now save it.

 6: Now it’s time to earn points for your page, to do so you have many options, for now let’s choose Facebook likes to earn free points.
·        Now Click on Like button a Pop up window will open, you have got 18 sec to like the page and close it manually.

·        After liking the page and closing it, points will be added to your account. You can see your total earning point.
·        On registration you will get 50 points and 150 daily bonus points for active users.
·        You can also earn point by referral method. You will get 300 point for each active user.
·        AddMeFast doesn't sell likes/subscribes/followers/views/hits.
·        I strongly recommend you don’t spam, otherwise you will be removed from AddMeFast permanently.
Unlimited free Facebook Likes with YouLikeHits
YouLikeHits is a promotional website that will help you grow your Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Google+, StumbleUpon, Pinterst, SoundCloud and Websites for FREE. It allow you to pick and choose who you want to follow, like, friend, view, share or visit and skip those who you're not interested in.
YouLikeHits is one of the best website to increase real facebook likes for free of cost and it is easy to use. YouLikeHits is one of my favorite website. Register and get free page like in easy and safe way.
Unlimited free Facebook Likes with Like4like
Like4like is one of the most popular website to get real facebook page like. You can get "Free Facebook Likes" on fast, safe, simple and easy way. Real "Facebook Likes", and users without bots, will push you into the social spotlight and raise your brand recognition. Register and get free page like in easy and safe way.
In this way you can generate unlimited page like with free of cost.
If you find this article useful or you face any kind of difficulty then please share your thought in the below comment box.


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